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Checking Students In/Out of Campus

Students entering the school after 8:10 a.m. or returning from an appointment, must check in at our front office. If possible, please schedule appointments before and after school. Absences will be “excused” by the school according to the guidelines for excused absences.

Please come into the front office to sign out your child. Be prepared to show identification. Your child will be then be sent from class. We will not call your child to the office prior to your arrival, so please plan accordingly. Only the individuals listed as additional contacts on your child’s data base form will be allowed to pick up your child, unless you have contacted the front office 24 hours in advance. The front office staff may ask for proof of identity if the pick-up person is unknown to our school staff.

Please also know that we are legally required to release a child to his/her biological parents UNLESS a court has issued an order forbidding or limiting that parent’s contact with his/her child.  If our front office does not have a copy of restraining orders or custody/parenting paperwork on file, we are required to consult your child’s birth certificate to verify the identity of a biological parent.  Please make sure to provide our front office with the most recent custody/parenting orders or a restraining order that pertains to your child.