Academic Policies
Report Cards
Report cards encourage student improvement and inform parents about their child's development. We urge parents to ask questions if they need clarification or more information about their child’s progress. Report cards are issued two times a year (end of each semester). Middle school grades are updated weekly in Infinite Campus. Guardians of students are given a username and password to access those in-progress grades online. If you need your username and password, please contact our front office.
Conferences are an essential part of your child's educational process. Formal conferences are held twice a year. If more time is needed, the teacher and parent should reschedule the conference for a more convenient appointment. Informal conferences may be arranged with the classroom teacher for a time when parents and the teacher are mutually available.
Parents of students who are at risk due to behavior, academic, or physical limitations may be asked to meet with building-level MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Support) team. A flyer and recommendations sheet are sent home to parents after an initial discussion among the MTSS Team. After MTSS recommendations have been followed, parents may be encouraged to explore further district evaluations. Such assistance is granted through a signed referral. After an assessment has been made, a meeting is held. All adults involved with the student meet to determine the most appropriate educational program for the child.
To be eligible to attend or participate in Chappelow-sponsored events, including, but not limited to, middle-level dances, musicals, plays, end-of-year field trips, etc., students must meet the following requirements related to academics, behavior, and attendance:
Students must maintain grades in all classes that reflect adequate academic responsibility. Students with an F grade will not be eligible to participate. Likewise, students with more than 2 D grades will not be eligible to participate.
Students must also be in good disciplinary standing to be eligible. Generally, the requirement will be no in-school or out-of-school suspensions inside the eligibility window.
Students who meet the definition of chronically absent inside the eligibility window will also not be eligible to participate. Chronically absent is defined as four or more unexcused absences in one month. Habitual tardiness may also be considered and is defined as more than three unexcused tardies in a semester.
Whenever possible, students will be provided opportunities to earn their eligibility by working with their teachers to raise their grades to an acceptable level for eligibility. Activities will occasionally be based on the grades earned for a past grading period. In those cases, students cannot be given opportunities to change their grades.
Using the above eligibility requirements is at the discretion of the staff member responsible for that event and with the school principal's approval. The above requirements may also be altered for specific events at the discretion of the staff member responsible for that event and with the school principal's approval. Still, such alterations will always be promptly communicated to students and parents/guardians before the event.
Students participating in sports for other District 6 middle schools are subject to the eligibility requirements of those schools.
Our goal at Chappelow is academic excellence every day for everyone. Our teachers continuously collect and analyze academic data to make instructional decisions and facilitate growth in each student. To accomplish this goal, we rely on our families to help reinforce academic concepts at home, including:
Reading- 20 minutes per night, plus 10 minutes of other content by grade level (Ex. 3rd Grade: 20 minutes of reading + 30 minutes of other content)
If your child exceeds the recommended homework time due to frustration, behavior, or other issues, please immediately inform your child’s teacher.
Daily homework should be an opportunity to review and practice skills learned in school.
Homework will not be recorded into the final grade for 6th-8th grade students.