Attendance Policies
(District 6 Policy) Significant learning for all students is provided each time class is held in Weld County School District 6. This educational opportunity is provided due to in-class participation and high-quality instruction.
The benefit of this experience can only partially be replaced. Consequently, regular and punctual attendance is an essential criterion for success in school, and absences are detrimental to effective learning. Excused absences include:
Temporary illness or injury
Pre-arranged absence approved by an administrator
Extended absences due to physical, mental, or emotional disability
School-sponsored field trips or activities
Work/study programs under the supervision of the school
Extremely inclement weather
Emergencies, serious illnesses, or death in the family
Participation in religious observances
Absences due to a student’s being required in court in the custody of the court of law enforcement authorities.
Please call (970) 348-1267 to notify the school of your child’s absence. According to the guidelines above, the *absence will be “excused” by the school. Students are limited to four (4) excused absences in a month or ten (10) excused absences in a year. If you know your child will miss one (1) or more consecutive days of school for something other than an illness, a pre-arranged absence form must be completed and approved by a school administrator. If your student misses more than half a day of school, they cannot participate in after-school events. Attendance letters will be sent home for students with 4, 7, or 10 total absences during the school year. Please see the District 6 Parent-Student Handbook for additional information. Access the handbook here
Pre-Arranged Absence
If you know your child will miss one (1) or more consecutive days of school, an administrator must complete and approve a pre-arranged absence form. Pre-arranged forms may be downloaded and printed from our school website by accessing this link: Pre-Arranged Absence Information & Forms. Please complete either an Elementary Form (K-5) or a Secondary Form (6-8) and submit that form to your child’s classroom teacher so they can complete their portion. Middle School students should take the form of each of their teachers. Once teachers complete the form, parents need to return the form to the front office for approval. It must be submitted to the front office for approval at least two (2) days before the pre-arranged absence starts.
We expect all students to be in their classrooms and ready to work by 8:10 a.m. (T-F) and 9:10 a.m. (M). Students who arrive after those times are considered tardy. Habitual tardiness is defined as a third tardiness in one semester. Just like absences, an accumulation of tardies will result in a warning letter from the school and a conference with our assistant principal or dean. Parents/guardians shall be notified of all penalties regarding tardiness.
Checking Students In & Out
Students entering the school after the start of the school day or returning from an appointment must check in at our front office. Please schedule appointments before and after school. According to the guidelines, excused absences will be “excused” by the school.
Please come into the front office to sign out your child. Be prepared to show identification. Your child will then be sent from class. We will only call your child to the office after arrival, so please plan accordingly. Only the individuals listed as additional contacts on your child’s database form will be allowed to pick up your child unless you have contacted the front office 24 hours in advance. The front office staff may ask for proof of identity if the pick-up person is unknown to our school staff.
Please also know that we are legally required to release a child to their biological parents unless a court has issued an order forbidding or limiting that parent’s contact with their child. Please provide our front office with the most recent custody/parenting orders about your child.