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Health Services

District 6 School Health Clerks are the primary caregivers in health offices in all districts and charter schools. They perform first aid and care for ill children, administer medications, perform health screenings, and manage immunization and health records. They are available to answer questions and can always contact School Registered Nurse Consultant. Health Clerks have taken a health clerk training course and have yearly CPR, First Aid, Medication Administration, and other training as needed for specific student health needs.

District 6 has School Registered Nurse Consultants who work with health clerks, school administration, and staff to provide physical, mental, and social support to help children learn. School Registered Nurse Consultants are trained with an RN-BSN and have obtained School Nurse licensure through CDE. School Nurses are responsible for preparing health care plans, documenting health histories, collaborating with a special education team on educational plans, delegating to unlicensed personnel who provide care for students, assisting with health education units, and consulting with outside health providers and agencies.