Internet and Electronic Communication
Weld County School District 6 encourages students to use the Internet and electronic communications, such as email, to help them with schoolwork. Using the school computers and the Internet is a privilege, not a right. Students are expected to follow these rules:
- Use the Internet only when the teacher has given permission.
- Tell the teacher immediately if you have unintentionally accessed inappropriate material using the Internet or electronic communications.
- Only use your name and password to log on, never someone else’s.
- Keep others’ personal information private while using the Internet or electronic communications unless specifically approved by the teacher or counselor.
- Never arrange face-to-face meetings with people met on the Internet or through electronic communications.
- Treat technology equipment and the district network respectfully. Failure to do so will result in the cancellation of privileges and may lead to school disciplinary action or legal proceedings.
- Only use licensed software provided by the school.
- Do not load personal software onto the computer.
Students who do not follow this policy may lose access to school computers and face disciplinary or legal action.
This entire policy on student use of the internet and electronic communications is available at BOE policy JS
Student Email Accounts
Greeley-Evans School District 6 will provide a free email account for every student. An email account will allow students to email teachers' questions and receive classroom updates. Depending on the teacher, students may also be able to turn in assignments using email.
All students will receive training on the appropriate use of email before teachers provide them with their usernames and passwords. Training will include: dealing with potential bullying, handling emails from unknown senders, general email etiquette, and informing students that email messages leave a permanent digital record.
If you do NOT want your student to have a district-provided email account, you may fill out a “Student Electronic Mail (email) Opt-Out Form” in the office of any district school. Otherwise, your child will be assigned a school email account.
Safety and security are our priority, and families should not expect privacy when using district-issued email accounts. This entire policy on student internet and electronic communications use is available at BOE policy JS.
Cell Phones/Electronic Policy
Due to daily classroom disruptions, misuse of social media, and overall misuse of cell phones during the school day, all electronic devices and cell phones must be turned off (Door to Door) during the school day. All electronics must be turned off and be safely stored either in backpacks or in the pockets of their clothing during the school day (7:50 am-3:20 pm) unless students are otherwise permitted and directed by a staff member. We have also provided storage pocket charts in each middle-level classroom so students can safely store their cell phones at school. Using electronics at school is always subject to the teacher’s permission and supervision. Electronics are forbidden from use in the cafeteria during breakfast, lunch, or outside during recess. We respectfully ask parents, staff, and visitors to refrain from using cell phones within the building unless necessary. Please contact our front office if you need to contact your child during the school day. Chappelow is not responsible for the theft, loss, or destruction of students’ electronics. *** Please contact the front office if your child needs a personal cell phone for documented medical or educational needs (504 or IEP) during the school day. This entire policy on student internet and electronic communications use is available at BOE policy JS.