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Nutrition is an integral part of learning. A hungry child does not learn. We encourage students to participate in the hot lunch program. We also encourage students to eat breakfast at school each morning. Breakfast is served daily from 7:45-8:05 am (T-F) and 8:45-9:05 am (Mon).

Our Hot Lunch Program provides a well-balanced meal. The school district is trying to keep the cost as low as possible. Parents wishing to join their students for lunch may purchase a school lunch at the adult price.

Regulations allow for substitutions in the food components of the primary meal requirements. If individual students cannot consume the required food because of medical or other special dietary needs, a statement from the physician must be sent to the school office. An example would be substituting milk for a child with lactose intolerance. A statement from a recognized medical authority, including recommended substitute foods, must support such an exception. The information should be maintained on file in the school.

Regulations allow for certain other variations in the food components of the basic meal requirements on an experimental or continuing basis in schools where there is specific evidence that such variations are nutritionally sound and are necessary to meet ethnic, religious, economic, or physical needs.

If your child participates in the hot lunch program but cannot eat certain foods, the school principal or secretary must have a written note from the doctor stating the food item and the time it cannot be consumed.

Information concerning free or reduced-price lunches is available from the office for those whose financial hardship makes participating in the hot lunch program challenging.

Lunch may be prepaid any morning before the start of school. Students are encouraged to take their money to the lunchroom in the morning. Students will be allowed to charge for up to two meals. Students will receive milk and a roll until the account is brought current.

Milk is available for those students bringing sack lunches or those desiring extra milk. Parents who wish to eat with their children must check in with the front office upon arrival.

Please visit the District 6 Nutrition Services homepage for meal pricing, menus, and additional information. Free and Reduced information can be accessed here: online application.