Pick-up & Drop-off Procedures
Creating a safe environment for all who enter our parking lot is a high priority. Please review the following expectations for arrival and dismissal.
The south lot is for dropping off and picking up students. This is designed to be a “moving lane.” Please join the back of the line in either of the two lanes and move forward until you reach the school-designated drop-off/pick-up location. All students must exit or enter along the curb line on either the drop-off lane's left or right side. All students must cross at the crosswalk after exiting their vehicles. The drop-off lanes are not designed for extended parking. Please use the lower section of the south parking lot for extending parking or escorting your child into the building. Cars left unattended along the curb are subject to ticket and tow by the Evans PD.
If you prefer to walk your child into the building, you must find a parking space in the south lot. You must then park, exit the car with your child, and escort them across the crosswalk.
The east lot is reserved for staff parking. Parents are asked to only use this lot for drop-off or pick-up if specifically approved by the front office. Students cannot enter the building through the staff entrance on the east side of the building as that entrance is always locked. This parking lot also includes our fire lane and may not be used for parking to drop off or pick up students.
Only approved daycare vans can load and unload in the daycare van area in the east parking lot. During drop-off and pick-up times, cars cannot utilize the van area. We issue a limited number of daycare van passes yearly to ensure this space is manageable. If you require a daycare van pass, please contact our front office.