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Positive Behavior and Intervention Systems

Chappelow follows the components of Positive Behavior Intervention & Support or PBIS. This school-wide discipline program emphasizes total-school support systems. This encompasses proactive strategies for defining, teaching, and supporting appropriate student behaviors, creating a positive school environment. The continuum of positive behavior support for all students within the school is evident in the classroom and non-classroom settings, such as in hallways and on the playground. Students seen modeling appropriate behaviors are opportunely awarded PRIDE tickets. PRIDE tickets can be used to say the pledge, buy in classroom reward stores, participate in school-wide special events, or do daily reward drawings.

Chappelow students are expected to behave in a way that demonstrates the following:

  • Personal Responsibility
  • Respect
  • Integrity
  • Determination
  • Empathy

PRIDE in the Cafeteria

  • P: I practice self-control. 
  • R: I leave no trace. 
  • I: I wait quietly in line. 
  • D: I am patient. 
  • E: I say "please" and "thank you."

PRIDE on the Playground

  • P: I own my own actions. 
  • R: I am kind to people and property.
  • I: I use equipment properly.
  • D: I make good choices even if others are not. 
  • E: I include everyone. 

PRIDE in the Hallways

  • P: I walk on the right-hand side of the wall. 
  • R: I am quiet and considerate of classes in session. 
  • I: I walk directly to my destination. 
  • D: I avoid distractions. 
  • E: I keep my body and belongings to myself. 

PRIDE in the Bathrooms

  • P: I only use the bathrooms when I need to. 
  • R: I leave no trace. 
  • I: I sign out only with permission and/or with a pass. 
  • D: I use the bathroom, and I get back to class. 
  • E: I flush the toilet and wash my hands. 

PRIDE in Assemblies

  • P: I enter and exit safely and quietly. 
  • R: I sit on my bottom and clap appropriately.
  • I: I participate respectfully and appropriately. 
  • D: I remain in my designated area. 
  • E: I give the speaker my full attention. 

PRIDE at Arrival and Dismissal

  • P: I only take approved routes along the sidewalks/carport aisle. I arrive on time and ensure I am ready when my ride is. 
  • R: I walk while on school grounds and will not use the equipment. 
  • I: I do not enter or leave the building until the bell rings or until a teacher dismisses me. 
  • D: I use sidewalks and designated crosswalks. 
  • E: I keep my voice low and use hallway PRIDE when traveling to or from my classroom.