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School Accountability Committee (SAC)

Chappelow's School Accountability Committee (SAC) is an excellent opportunity to enhance our partnership with parents through an organized group composed of parents, teachers, administration, and community members. The SAC meets quarterly and has a specific focus, established by the Colorado Department of Education and District 6. The committee's primary goals are to make recommendations to the principal concerning priorities for spending school funds and preparing the school's Unified Improvement Plan (UIP). Other topics that may be discussed in this committee include but are not limited to parent involvement, student transitions, curriculum, instruction, assessment, systems for support, communication, technology, leadership, decision-making, positive behavior support, and school-wide capacity building.

The SAC meetings are held from 3:40–4:20 pm on the Chappelow campus. 

If you have any questions or want more information about SAC, please get in touch with me at the email address listed below.

Christopher Kieffer